Every Weex page contains a weex
variable in its js runtime context. It can be assessed directly just like a global object, but it is readonly and separated from different pages.
variable only exposed in the Vue framework. It's not available in Rax framework yet.
# Properties and Methods
The type declaration of the Weex variable is:
declare type Weex = {
config: WeexConfigAPI;
document: WeexDocument;
requireModule: (name: string) => Object | void;
supports: (condition: string) => boolean | void;
The weex.config
contains all the environment information of current page.
declare type WeexConfigAPI = {
bundleUrl: string;
bundleType?: string;
env: WeexEnvironment;
: The URL of the js bundle in current page.bundleType
: v0.17+ The type of the js bundle, it indicates which framework is using for current js bundle, could be"Vue"
: Weex environment object.
# Weex Environment Object
Sometimes, you still need to write some platform specific codes for compatibility or enhancement. Weex provides weex.config.env
and a global object WXEnvironment
(they are strictly equal) to get the information of current runtime environment.
weex.config.env === WXEnvironment
Properties in Weex environment object:
Property | Type | Description |
platform | String | Current running platform, could be "Android", "iOS" or "Web". |
weexVersion | String | The version of Weex SDK. |
appName | String | Mobile app name or browser name. |
appVersion | String | The version of current app. |
osName | String | The OS name, could be "Android" or "iOS". |
osVersion | String | The version of current OS. |
deviceModel | String | Mobile phone device model. (native only) |
deviceWidth | Number | Screen resolution width. |
deviceHeight | Number | Screen resolution height. |
This example prints all properties in the Weex environment object.
The weex.document
is the document object of current page, it can be used to create or manipulate the Elements in DOM tree. It's part of Weex DOM API specification which is NOT the same with the document
object in the W3C DOM API.
However, it's not a good practice to manipulate DOM directly when using modern front-end frameworks, such as Vue and Rax. Especially, there is no actually DOM in Weex, it was simulated on the native (Android or iOS).
This API is mainly used inside of the Vue and Rax framework to convert the virtual-dom into render directives and send them to native render engines of Weex. Not recommended for using it when developing pages.
For those features which does not rely on the UI, Weex wraps them into modules. It is a way to access native capabilities in javascript. Except for the built-in modules, it's quite easy to integrate the existing native modules to Weex platform. After that, you can use weex.requireModule
to require both customized and built-in modules.
weex.requireModule(name: string): Object | void;
- A case-sensitive module name.
Return Value:
- If the module is registered, return a
or plain object if the context doesn't supportProxy
. You can use it to call the registered methods in the module. - If the module is unregistered, return
# Use Native Module
You can require a native module and use its APIs just like normal javascript functions. Here is a simple example of using the modal
const modal = weex.requireModule('modal')
message: 'I am a toast.',
duration: 3
This API only available in v0.15+.
As you may know, components and modules are extendable and configurable in Weex. So it could be various in different apps or running context. You can use weex.supports
to detect whether a feature is supported in the current environment at runtime.
weex.supports(condition: string): boolean | void;
- A formatted condition string:
The type
must be "component"
or "module"
. The name
could be a tag name, module name or the method name in specific module.
Return Value:
- If the feature is supported, return
. - If the feature is unsupported, return
. - If not sure about whether this feature is supported, return
# Examples
Detects whether the specific component is supported:
weex.supports('@component/slider') // true
weex.supports('@component/my-tab') // false
Detects whether the specific module is supported:
weex.supports('@module/stream') // true
weex.supports('@module/abcdef') // false
Detects whether the method in specific module is supported:
weex.supports('@module/dom.getComponentRect') // true
weex.supports('@module/navigator.jumpToPage') // false
Invalid input or unknown features:
weex.supports('div') // null
weex.supports('module/*') // null
weex.supports('@stream/fetch') // null
weex.supports('getComponentRect') // null
Detect whether the specific module or method is registered.
weex.weex.isRegisteredModule(moduleName: string, methodName: string): boolean
It can only be used to check compatibility of a specific module or method.
weex.isRegisteredModule('stream') // true
weex.isRegisteredModule('stream', 'fetch') // true
weex.isRegisteredModule('whatever', '- unknown -') // false
weex.isRegisteredModule('div') // false, not support components
Detect whether the specific component is registered.
weex.weex.isRegisteredComponent(componentName: string): boolean
It can only be used to check compatibility of a specific component.
weex.isRegisteredComponent('div') // true
weex.isRegisteredComponent('- unknown -') // false
weex.isRegisteredComponent('navigator') // false, not support modules