# Summary


JSService and Weex instance are parallel in js runtime. Weex instance's lifecycle will invoke JSService's lifecycle. Currently provide create, refresh, destroy of lifecycle.
JSService is the same as vendor.js in front-end engineer world, it is usually used to move duplicated js function in each page to a global environment.

!!!Important: Improper use of JSService may lead to increased memory usage or global pollution !

# Register

# iOS

[WXSDKEngine registerService:@"SERVICE_NAME" withScript: @"SERVICE_JS_CODE" withOptions: @{}];
// or
[WXSDKEngine registerService:@"SERVICE_NAME" serviceScriptUrl: @"SERVICE_JS_URL" withOptions: @{}];

# Android

HashMap<String, String> options = new HashMap<>()
options.put("k1", "v1")
boolean result = WXSDKEngine.registerService(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_JS_CODE, options)

params of options Could have { create, refresh, destroy } lifecycle methods. In create method it should return an object of what variables or classes would be injected into the Weex instance.

# Web

<script src="SERVICE_JS_CODE_URL"></script>

# Demo

service.register(SERVICE_NAME /* same string with native */, {
    * JSService lifecycle. JSService `create` will before then each instance lifecycle `create`. The return param `instance` is Weex protected param. This object will return to instance global. Other params will in the `services` at instance.
    * @param  {String} id  instance id
    * @param  {Object} env device environment
    * @return {Object}
  create: function(id, env, config) {
    return {
      instance: {
        InstanceService: function(weex) {
          var modal = weex.requireModule('modal')
          return {
            toast: function(title) {
              modal.toast({ message: title })
      NormalService: function(weex) {
        var modal = weex.requireModule('modal')
        return {
          toast: function(title) {
            modal.toast({ message: title })

    * JSService lifecycle. JSService `refresh` will before then each instance lifecycle `refresh`. If you want to reset variable or something on instance refresh.
    * @param  {String} id  instance id
    * @param  {Object} env device environment
  refresh: function(id, env, config){


    * JSService lifecycle. JSService `destroy` will before then each instance lifecycle `destroy`. You can deleted variable here. If you doesn't detete variable define in JSService. The variable will always in the js runtime. It's would be memory leak risk.
    * @param  {String} id  instance id
    * @param  {Object} env device environment
    * @return {Object}
  destroy: function(id, env) {


Use JSService

var _InstanceService = new InstanceService(weex)
var _NormalService = new service.NormalService(weex)

module.exports = {
  created: function() {
    // called modal module to toast something
    _InstanceService.toast('Instance JSService')
    _NormalService.toast('Normal JSService')
Last Updated: 8/15/2022
Excellent docUnusable doc