# Swift In Weex
Swift and Objective-C mix-up
a complete demo
# extend module using swift
As we export moudle method using macro and calling in runtime, so we can extend module using swift by extension
You can also finish extending module by write an category for swift class in Objective-C class.
file ,you will get a tip as follow during the creation chooseCreate Bridging Header
, as we need to access method inObjective-C
in swift file, and theBridging header
can help us. And the format name of the header file isyourTarget-Bridging-Header.h
, and mine isWeexDemo-Bridging-Header.h
.implementation in
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <WeexSDK/WeexSDK.h> @interface WXSwiftTestModule : NSObject <WXModuleProtocol> @end
you can search WeexDemo-Swift.h after building your project, Xcode will generate this file for us.
for simulator the file path may be:
export method define in swift file.
#import "WXSwiftTestModule.h" #import "WeexDemo-Swift.h" // you need to import the header to make Objective-C code recognize the method defined in swift file. @implementation WXSwiftTestModule #pragma clang diagnostic push //forbid unknow selector warrning #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundeclared-selector" WX_EXPORT_METHOD(@selector(printSome:callback:)) //method name in Swift, you can get the final method name in `WeexDemo-Swift.h` as the convert of Xcode. #pragma clang diagnostic pop @end
in Swift make an extension for Objective-C class
, add a method, and then export it in Objective-C, then we can use it in javaScript.WXSwiftTestModule.swift
import Foundation public extension WXSwiftTestModule { @objc(printSome:callback:) public func printSome(someThing:String, callback:WXModuleCallback) { print(someThing) callback(someThing) } }
we need to expose
as ourObjective-C
need to access them.Attention: Please add the
attribute to the method in the Swift file to avoid the error for the method cannot be found.WeexDemo-Bridging-Header.h
// // Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift. // #import "WXSwiftTestModule.h" #import "WeexSDK.h"
by far we have finished our module using swift.
# module usage
register module to WeexSDK
[WXSDKEngine registerModule:@"swifter" withClass:[WXSwiftTestModule class]];
front-end usage
<template> <text>Swift Module</text> </template> <script> module.exports = { ready: function() { var swifter = weex.require('swifter'); swifter.printSome("https://www.taobao.com",function(param){ nativeLog(param); }); } }; </script>