# Integrate Weex to iOS App
You may integrate Weex to your iOS app through the CocoaPods or Carthage. We assume that you have already installed the Xcode and CocoaPods or Carthage.
# 1. Configure dependency
# Using CocoaPods
The latest WeexSDK version on iOS could be obtained from here.
Add WeexSDK to your Podfile.
source 'git@github.com:CocoaPods/Specs.git'
target 'YourTarget' do
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'WeexSDK', '0.20.1'
Then run pod install
command in your project directory.
# Using Carthage
Create a Cartfile in your project directory. Carthage Manual
Add github "alibaba/weex"
to Cartfile
Run carthage update
in your project directory.
# 2. Initialize Weex
We recommend initializing Weex in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
callback of your App delegate.
// App configuration
[WXAppConfiguration setAppGroup:@"Your app group"];
[WXAppConfiguration setAppName:@"Your app name"];
[WXAppConfiguration setAppVersion:@"Your app version"];
//Initialize WeexSDK
[WXSDKEngine initSDKEnvironment];
//Register custom modules and components, optional.
[WXSDKEngine registerComponent:@"myview" withClass:[MyViewComponent class]];
[WXSDKEngine registerModule:@"mymodule" withClass:[MyWeexModule class]];
//Register the implementation of protocol, optional.
[WXSDKEngine registerHandler:[WXAppNavigationImpl new] withProtocol:@protocol(WXNavigationProtocol)];
//Set the log level, optional
[WXLog setLogLevel: WXLogLevelWarning];
# 3. Create a Weex instance
You can render a Weex instance in full page or in a view. All you need to do is to create a Weex instance and set callbacks of it, then provide it with a valid URL. In the onCreate
callback, add the root view to your desired parent view and set the view frame using instance.frame =
#import <WeexSDK/WXSDKInstance.h>
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
_instance = [[WXSDKInstance alloc] init];
_instance.viewController = self;
_instance.frame = self.view.frame;
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
_instance.onCreate = ^(UIView *view) {
[weakSelf.weexView removeFromSuperview];
weakSelf.weexView = view;
[weakSelf.view addSubview:view];
_instance.onFailed = ^(NSError *error) {
//process failure, you could open an h5 web page instead or just show the error.
_instance.renderFinish = ^ (UIView *view) {
//process renderFinish
NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"js"];
[_instance renderWithURL:url options:@{@"bundleUrl":[self.url absoluteString]} data:nil];
# 4. Destroy the instance
You should destroy the Weex instance explicitly using [instance destroyInstance]
# 5. Extend Weex
You can extend Weex functionality by writing your own components, modules. For more details please refer to Extend iOS and Extend iOS with swift.
# 6. Using Weex on iPad
When a page finishes rendering, then the screen rotates, the page will not adjust automatically. So if your App allows screen orientation changing, you must update screen-width before rendering.
CSS styles will be converted using screen-width and view-port-width of a page.
view-port-width is 750px by default.
const meta = weex.requireModule('meta');
width: 1536
Observe UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification notification and update screen size. We presume that screen rotation is done and [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width gives the current screen width.
[WXCoreBridge setDeviceSize:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size];