# Introduction

This page introduces the break change of Weex, you can visit GitHub page for detail changelog.

# Version

# 0.28


The following three major change in 0.28 only affects Android developers.

# Android

# Package name

Due to the fact that Weex was a software of Alibaba Group (the mother company of Taobao Software Cooperation, ltd.) before donated to ASF (Apache Software Foundation),the Android package name of Weex was com.taobao.weex before Weex 0.28.0 released.

Since Weex 0.28.0, the package name of Android(i.e. Java) files was changed to org.apache.weex, which may cause compiling failure if you try to upgrade from a older version. For backward-compatibility reasons, we provide an artifact named sdk_legacy where all files are still in the package name of com.taobao.weex. The legacy artifact may not be maintained in the future, please upgrade to the new package name when it's possible for you.

# GroupId and artifactId in JCenter

Due to the fact that Weex was a software of Alibaba Group (the mother company of Taobao Software Cooperation, ltd.) before donated to ASF (Apache Software Foundation),Weex Android was under com.taobao.android:weex_sdk in JCenter before Weex 0.28.0 release.

Since 0.28.0, Weex provides a convenience library in JCenter with the following groupId and artifactId:

  • org.apache.weex:sdk is the currently stable package of Weex, where all Java files are under the package of org.apache.weex.
  • org.apache.weex:sdk_legacy is the legacy package of Weex, where all Java files are under the package of com.taobao.weex. This artifact may not be maintained in the future, please upgrade to the new package name when it's possible for you.

# JavaScript Interpreter

Before Weex 0.28.0, Weex Android relied and bundled JavaScriptCore into its convenience binary(i.e. aar), and this approach have the following disadvantage:

  • JavaScriptCore is partly licensed under BSD, partly licensed under LGPL, which is against the License policy of ASF
  • Users of Weex has no choice of JavaScript Interpreter if we continue bundling JavaScriptCore in convenience binary.
  • The JavaScriptCore Weex used is a pruning version of official JavaScriptCore in 2016 and not update since that time, which means we might miss a lot of new features.

Since Weex 0.28.0, the JavaScript Interpreter is not bundled in the convenience binary anymore, users have the freedom of using whatever JavaScript Interpreter they want as long as they implement the same interface.

This means users have to bundle a JavaScript Interpreter in their APP to run Weex. For users who don't have idea about how to choose JavaScript Interpreter, one can insert the following code snippet into the build.gradle of the app:

apply from: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alibaba/weex/release/0.28/android/sdk/buildSrc/download_jsc.gradle'

The above code snippet will download and bundle jsc-android of version 241213.1.0. This is only for demonstration purpose, users always have the freedom of choosing JavaScript Interpreter in their APP.


  1. The JavaScriptCore Interpreter included above only supports armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86.
  2. The above script will copy JavaScriptCore Interpreter into project.android.sourceSets.main.jniLibs.

If there is any problems in your project when applying the script, please adjust it based on your condition.

Last Updated: 8/15/2022
Excellent docUnusable doc